Just sit there

Today’s consumer wants to buy. They do not want to be sold. If you want to succeed in 2024’s marketplace, your sales team needs to reflect on the difference between what was successful in the past with what works now.

The new sales reality changes how the conventional, independent distributor approaches his customers. The old adage, “Don’t just sit there, do something,” has been flipped. Now to do something we actually do just sit there in front of our digital devices. Furthermore, digitalization has made it easier and faster to purchase products without consulting an actual sales person. Customers can go online and buy goods at a reasonable price and are doing so with greater frequency.

How to adapt

How does the independent distributor adapt his sales strategy to the consumer-wants-to-buy digital marketplace?

Here are three positive steps you can take.

  • Invest in technology – No matter where you are in adopting technology, continue moving forward. Your digital options are rapidly expanding. Most distributors I consult with started their product information management by adding customer relationship management (CRM) software. If you are CRM enabled, continue to invest in technologies. Tools such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), e-commerce, content management systems, warehouse management software, and AI tools are all examples of this. Once you have an ERP installed adding more technology is easier as it becomes more intuitive.
  • Increase product offering – Today’s distributors must optimize sales strategies by leveraging omnichannel sales to diversify their operations. Distributors can widen their reach and engage larger audiences by supplementing existing processes with informative webpages, digital marketplaces, and self-service applications.
  • Grow Customer-Centricity – Your customer’s seek quick, hassle-free access to robust support before and after a sale. Steer clear of an Amazon-like model where you can wait for literally hours to get a person on the phone. Satisfy your customers’ needs with excellent service and foster ongoing relationships. Also, distributors have the advantage of meeting buyers where they are in their journey. They are equipped to identify a customer’s pain points and provide customized solutions that address each client’s unique challenges.


In conclusion, think of technological challenges facing our distribution industry as representing opportunities. Remember, consumers want to buy. By investing in technology, increasing your product offering, and growing customer-centricity you provide the right platform for success in today’s digital marketplace.

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