Togetherness breeds success. In their book, Who Not How, Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy discuss how to use teamwork to your advantage. They describe how bringing the right person or persons — referred to as Whos— into your sales process helps you achieve faster and better results. 

Commitment to results 

You need to team up with the right Whos. These are people committed to and invested in results, according to Sullivan. One of my Whos was invaluable in making my dream of earning a Master of Ministry degree a reality. He was the Adult Ministries Pastor at my church and recognized my passion and ability to teach. As a Doctor of Theology, he became my teacher. He challenged me, helped clarify my goals, and got me committed to results. 

Produce a return on investment (ROI) 

Sullivan emphasizes that it’s important to focus on Whos as an investment, rather than a cost. When examining How to achieve your goals people tend to base their decisions on cost avoidance. You can create transformational relationships in which all parties give more than they take by looking at your Whos as an investment.

As an example, I work with a client who developed two analytical software products. He recognizes the value of his products to produce a significant ROI. He is a Who. One of his clients noted this and rather than trying to solve needed penetration into one of his customer sectors as a How, he invested in my client as a Who. This produced results faster and with greater profit.

Build relationships that work

For collaboration to succeed you need to build meaningful relationships that are transformational, rather than transactional. According to Sullivan, “Collaboration transforms the initial intent of the project into something surprisingly better and more impactful than you would have planned on your own. By expanding your vision, your Freedom of Purpose also expands.”

Succeed Together

As Hellen Keller said; “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Every time you encounter a roadblock, ask yourself the question, “Do I need a Who, who can help me with my How” to move me forward? Remember — togetherness breeds success.

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