Selling involves the transfer of trust, and a successful sales cycle revolves around establishing trust in customer relationships. The manner in which we develop those strong relationships evolves with the changes in the world around us. In my lifetime, the introduction of new technologies has radically changed how one approaches relationship building to succeed in sales.

Telephones and cars

Consider this. I became a salesman in 1972 at a time when the internet was still a research project. My first job title was Sales Engineer. I lived in North Texas and was tasked with calling on independent welding and gas distributors in Dallas, Fort Worth, Wichita Falls, Abilene, Sherman, Austin, and San Antonio. Also, my means of connecting with clients involved many telephone calls (on land lines) and driving just over 20,000 miles per year in my Ford Custom to meet prospects in person.

To achieve success in sales, it’s important to follow a 5-step sales cycle developed by IBM:

  1. Begin the call with small talk
  2. Investigate the customer’s needs
  3. Present the benefits of your product
  4. Address any objections
  5. Close the call using a variety of techniques.

Small talk

Being able to converse with your customers on their terms builds trust. The distributors I called on in the ‘70s were patient with my formulaic approach. Additionally, I quickly learned that “small talk” should involve the Dallas Cowboys, Houston Oilers, Texas Rangers, or Houston Astros. I enjoyed making connections with my clientele and I was able to develop a deep sense of trust with those Texas distributors. I still remember each of their names, their likes, and dislikes. Their work ethic and customer relationship experiences have been guiding principles in my career.

More avenues of communication

In conclusion, digitalization has changed how relationships are formed today. Smart phones and computers have opened up avenues of communication not even imaginable in 1972. Lastly, you can build relationships via mobile phones, text, email, and video chat. Digitalization can be effectively used to establishing trust in customer relationships, which are at the center of the successful sales cycle.

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