Getting unstuck

I work with distributors that know they need to move forward on their digital journey but can’t seem to get to the next step. Others want to add another branch store. They can’t decide on a location, when to add additional personnel, or where to find the right people. How often have you wasted time on a big project that never got completed?

It is often a problem to move forward, before you identify the “Who” you need to make sure you are invested in achieving well defined goals. Dr. Benjamin Hardy, an organizational psychologist and bestselling author, states:  “Who can help me achieve, may be a stretch, if you’ve never truly committed to huge goals.”

Choosing a Who

In their book, Who Not How, Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy suggest the formula for achieving bigger goals is to aggressively use teamwork. They ask, “Do you have “Whos” that give you the perspectives, resources, and ability to go beyond what you could do alone?” To reach a higher level of achievement you need many people in your life to help solve problems.

Recently, a third-generation distributor/owner contacted me for help. His grandfather and father had built a successful small business but their expertise and age was limiting their future growth. His goal was to continue to build the distributorship. He was looking for insight from someone who had a track record of growing businesses in his particular vertical. But, having just retired from a much larger business in that industry, I was a natural “Who”, that could provide him with a “How“.

Cultivating more Whos

“Whos” can help. To achieve your goals and meet project deadlines more efficiently, identify helpful individuals and actively cultivate those relationships.

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