by Art Waskey | Sep 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
Digital products offer immense potential for boosting the effectiveness of your sales. But the biggest hurdle for distribution sales at present is obtaining buy-in for digital solutions. As sales professionals, we must be open to learning and utilizing new technologies Digital products offer immense potential for boosting the effectiveness of your sales. However, the biggest hurdle for distribution sales at present is obtaining buy-in for digital solutions. As sales professionals, we must be open to learning and utilizing new technologies in our sales processes.
Achieving Digital Buy-in
To get your team on board with new digital applications, the value of the technology needs to be proven. Also, experience has repeatedly taught me that to implement any new product, process, or organizational change, a successful beta test must be initiated. When a salesperson sees or hears about a successful new tool, he/she will buy in to it.
My suggestion for introducing new technology to your company is to assemble a task force with a company executive, sales manager, and outside sales team members. It would also be wise to include a technology consultant for additional expertise. The task force should then demonstrate the value of the new technology.
Digital Solutions Matter
Keep in mind, your company invests in digital solutions for a reason. Today’s savvy customers all use AI applications to decide on products early in the sales process. Sales reps often enter a sales cycle that is already 60-70% into a customer decision. A salesperson must be ready to defend the company’s position diligently. The tech stack helps you do this.
The New Tech Stack
Here is what to look for in new technology offerings and how best to leverage them for increased sales.
- Consider new software, such as voice-activated and data integrated call reviews from AI-backed conversation intelligence.
- Look into emerging capabilities in ERP, CRM, eCommerce, Product Content Management (PCM), Business Intelligence (BI), and pricing. Review calls from your AI-backed conversation applications.
- Leverage AI generated data to make more accurate sales forecasts.
- Research carefully and verify information by making multiple searches. Remember, data collected by generative AI is only as good as the information that is inputted.
Fold in New Resources
In conclusion, the tech stack is deep. Welcome its benefits and be willing to fold new resources into your sales process.
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by Art Waskey | Aug 29, 2023 | Art of Sales Weekly, Featured
As digital transformation reshapes the sales process, it is crucial to establish a good balance between technology and personalization. Also, the speed at which new technology is being introduced makes this challenging. Here are some actions that help ensure your digital tools are working in harmony with personal solutions for your customers
Accept and Adapt to Change
If you expect to be successful in sales today, you need to remain mindful of innovations as they are introduced. Additionally, the highest-performing sales teams must be learning and using emerging digital resources. Stay on top of these new solutions and leverage them to your advantage. Be willing to navigate applications as they gain momentum. Accept and adapt to change.
Access AI
It is essential for salespeople to recognize and access the growing field of AI-related resources. AI enables you to effortlessly handle data consolidation, hone customer profiles, and select content for leads with the next steps. Time-consuming tasks, like updating CRM data, generating quotes, and responding to proposal requests, are streamlined using AI programs. When you adopt AI for sales, you achieve faster results.
Provide Personal Relationships
Even in the digital era, sales continue to thrive as interpersonal interactions. Amidst online and direct channels, distributor sales hold a paramount edge in offering personalized relationships. In addition, to sustain ongoing triumph, it’s imperative to excel in constructing and nurturing these connections. Ultimately, purchasers gravitate toward those they trust and those who consistently meet their expectations.
Achieve Balance
Lastly, it’s important to acknowledge that technology presents opportunities to elevate the sales process. However, it’s crucial to maintain a focus on relationship-building. While AI possesses numerous capabilities, it falls short in replicating personalization and empathy. Striking a harmonious sales strategy necessitates embracing the enterprise sales model. Finally, this approach seamlessly combines digital analytics with genuine personalized communication.
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by Art Waskey | Aug 21, 2023 | Art of Sales Weekly, Featured
Professional sales reps need to pay attention to what is new, particularly as it relates to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and enterprise selling. It is time to take action with AI.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is already having an impact on the business world. According to Forbes, OpenAI, the company responsible for creating the chatbot ChatGPT, is now valued at $29 billion and has raised $11.3 billion in funding through seven rounds. Recently, Microsoft announced a significant investment in OpenAI to further advance AI innovation globally as part of their longstanding partnership.
Furthermore, I recently asked ChatGPT, “How will sales be affected by artificial intelligence?” Instantly, I received a 377-word response noting seven categories of change. How you manage these changes is critical. As Mike Marks of Indian River Consulting Group, says, “The one thing to ensure distributor success in 2024 is the ability to manage change, and to integrate your whole team into doing things differently.” There is no question that changes in the hybrid sales model known as enterprise selling, which is powered by digital data analysis, will accelerate in 2024.
Actions Needed
In conclusion, as digital transformation gains momentum, here are key actions salespeople need to consider.
- Continuing education – AI is moving at a fast pace but distributor sales have been slow to adopt it. You and your team must be constantly educating yourselves on emerging digital resources.
- The balancing act – Although digital transformation is fundamentally reshaping sales, salespeople must avoid depending on it too much. You need to establish a good balance between technology and personalization in your sales process.
- Using the new tech stack –Welcome the benefits of the digital transformation: not taking advantage of them only puts you further behind. Be willing to fold new resources into your sales process.
- Engaging the already informed buyer – With the changing sales landscape, reps must be ready to defend the company’s position diligently. AI helps you do this effectively.
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by Art Waskey | Aug 13, 2023 | Art of Sales Weekly, Featured
We need to look for the opportunities often hidden within disruption. As author Barbara Kingsolver, says, “The changes we dread most may contain our salvation.”
Letting Go
Many great companies have been on the verge of extinction and recovered. Notable examples include Apple, Marvel, GM, AIG, IBM, Starbucks, Jack in the Box, Chrysler, and Lego. Among these, Apple stands out as the most remarkable case. Alyson Shontell’s article in Business Insider describes what she calls the “The Greatest Comeback Story of All Time”. In 1997, Apple was hemorrhaging $1 billion a year. Moreover, the media was predicting its demise. However, at the ’97 Macworld Expo, Steve Jobs humbly addressed the audience: “If we want to move forward and see Apple healthy and prospering again, we have to let go of a few things here. Specifically, we have to let go of this notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose.”
Finding the Opportunity
Steve Jobs wasn’t afraid to make difficult decisions to get the company back on track. He demonstrated to the world that you can adapt to change by finding opportunity within it. He and Bill Gates joined forces. They announced a five-year contract that would release an updated Mac version of Microsoft Office and Microsoft’s $150 million investment in Apple. In the end, both Jobs and Gates won!
Adapt to Circumstances
A wise businessman adapts to his circumstances. Lastly, the best leaders are continually developing a culture that enables people to find solutions to challenging situations. They embody active listening, attentiveness to ideas with an open mind, and the ability to respond without judgment or finality. Demonstrating understanding and respect is integral to their projection. Furthermore, they embrace lifelong learning, acknowledging the necessity of seeking chances for change.
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by Art Waskey | Aug 8, 2023 | Art of Sales Weekly, Featured
Cultural Fragility
Each business has a unique culture and it can be fragile. Changes within and outside your organization can threaten the culture of your company. Firstly, a merger or acquisition may alter your existing cultural landscape. A respected leader may go astray, upsetting the company’s cultural trust. It is important, therefore, to be vigilant about building habits that maintain and protect your company’s cultural foundation.
Key Cultural Building Blocks
Here are three key ways to build a strong cultural foundation for your business.
- A humble heart – A truly self-assured leader doesn’t need a pat on the back. He needs to be humble. I live in Denver where a local sports superstar leads with a humble heart. The Denver Nuggets basketball team won a national championship this year. Nikola Jokic is their superstar yet consistently attributes his success to plays made by other team members. In his sincere and humble way, Jokic demonstrates that the Nuggets are a team, not a group led by one superstar.
- Personal accountability – Authentic leaders must assume responsibility for their decisions, including their failures. A leader does not inspire confidence if he demands that others take the fall when his idea fails. In the event of a merger or acquisition, a good leader doesn’t say (as I have heard many times), “Nothing is going to change.” A true leader empowers change by taking personal responsibility for necessary actions, even when there is the possibility that these will be unpopular.
- Aim for virtue – Pay attention to the moral positioning of your company’s leaders. Does it make them, and those around them, more courageous? Furthermore, a leader needs to be confident and resilient in the face of stress. She needs to be able to meet unexpected challenges and adjust quickly to change. People who aim high in the virtue department model their integrity for others in the workplace. This enables a company to build and maintain a strong cultural presence.
Build a Strong Cultural Foundation
People want to join a company with a clear mission that aligns with their idea of a strong cultural institution. Lastly, they want to be led by humble, accountable people and demonstrate strength of character. Your business will profit from building a solid cultural foundation.
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