Blogs from Art Waskey

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Ease, Efficiency, and AI

Ease, Efficiency, and AI It’s hard to underestimate the power of AI. It is adding another layer of sophistication to the digitally transformed world. By enabling businesses to analyze data quickly, AI allows companies to offer their products and services more easily...

AI is here — get on board!

The word is out – or I should say, its initials are — AI. AI is dominating discussions in distribution, from webcasts to conferences. It's reshaping your industry—time to embrace it and stay ahead. Digitize as fast as you can. The benefits of AI Here are some of the...

The Tale of Three Brothers who Pursued their Passions

The challenge Life offers us ideas and opportunities in random ways which makes the ability to follow our passions challenging. Acting on them, however, is key to success and happiness. Here is the tale of three brothers who all set out in one direction, but followed...


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Looking Back As I start the New Year, I like to make observations about the previous year. Looking back, 2023 was a year replete with some big challenges for business. Stubborn inflation affected...

Managing Your Contact List

Your Contact List is your lifeline. Managing it well is essential to your success. Let’s look at the skills required for an effective automated phone number and address system. Sharing updates...

The Makings of an Effective Leader

When I consult with the next generation of business owners and key executives, I am frequently asked what makes an effective leader. This is an important question. As John Maxwell notes in The 21...
Sales Strategies for the Digital Age

Sales Strategies for the Digital Age

Develop commercial insight In their seminal 2011 work, The Challenger, Taking Control of the Customer Conversation, Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson...

Know Your Customer

Know Your Customer

Make personal connections To remain competitive in a world with lots of alternative purchasing channels, you need to know your customer. I advise...

Personal Service is a Plus

Personal Service is a Plus

Is anyone listening? As automation replaces people in customer service positions, the sense that no one is really listening grows. This makes...

A Balanced Sales Approach

A Balanced Sales Approach

Feeling Appreciated It is easy to slip into the Best Supporting Rep role. Filling an urgent client request or fixing a problem begets customer...

3 Tips for Business Growth

3 Tips for Business Growth

I enjoyed 47 wonderful years in a career as a sales executive and leader, seeing tremendous business growth during that time. When I reached...

Handling Success Wisely

Handling Success Wisely

Being in a leadership position is an honor we work toward, but once there, you may find yourself unsure of how you go about handling success. Have...

Freedom to Believe in Yourself

Freedom to Believe in Yourself

Napoleon Hill posited, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Hill is an example of someone who found his...

Keys for an Organized Executive

Keys for an Organized Executive

The disciplines of an organized executive Self-confidence Sales and leadership is more about a person’s self-confidence than the amount of product...

Reading as a Resource

Reading as a Resource

I have a client who is concerned about her intellectual growth. She asked how I came up with so many ideas for my weekly sales tips. I shared with...

3 Tips for Proactive Selling

3 Tips for Proactive Selling

We’re back meeting with customers face-to-face. Yet in this “post pandemic era,” it feels like the way we do business will never be the same. Sales...

Finding Your Way and Making Goals

Finding Your Way and Making Goals

I consult with executives of all ages who are having trouble finding their way and making goals. Being uncertain as to where your career is headed...

Grow Your Contact Base

Grow Your Contact Base

While the best networking result remains a referral from an existing client, the paths to that outcome have changed radically. To light up your...

Best Pricing Strategies

Best Pricing Strategies

The pandemic has disrupted supply chains, resulting in shortages of goods and rapidly escalating material costs. Many suppliers have had to adjust...

A Great Mentor

A Great Mentor

Ambitious people are always looking for someone who can make them even better. Behind many successful people in history is a great mentor, a trusted...

Guided by Success

Guided by Success

A mentor can be a valuable guide to a successful career. The relationship is a personal one. To be effective, you need to choose a mentor carefully....

Differentiate Yourself

Differentiate Yourself

The sales rep felt dejected. He had demonstrated to a client the cost savings offered by changing to a new process. When he followed up on his...

Making it a Habit

Making it a Habit

Finding the sweet spot During my long career in sales and executive leadership, many have approached me with concerns over their career path. They...

In the People Business

In the People Business

A year of living behind closed doors and in front of computers has left many wondering if the art of selling has been redrawn. Of necessity, we have...

Keeping Sales Consistency

Keeping Sales Consistency

The goal Satisfying customers is the goal right? Do so by keeping sales consistency! You can classify salespeople into two general groups: hunters...

Meeting Customer Needs

Meeting Customer Needs

Selling is about helping others and meeting customer needs. A good sales person needs to be many things, including focused, organized, and...

Guarding the Buyer’s Best Interest

Guarding the Buyer’s Best Interest

My sales career has been in an industry that provides essential products. Sometimes those products can be in short supply, which makes customers...