As managers, we are successful when those who are in charge make the most of their talents. Identifying each individual’s talents and aligning them with their positions, however, is a tall order, as each person is unique.

Here are some tips on how to maximize talent to maximize success:

  • Find the right position. Some sales territories need assertive and ego-driven individuals to maximize potential, while others require patient, relationship-building salespeople for nurturing. Both types of people must have a desire and natural intuition to solve problems with and through personal contact. To do that, they need to be self-reliant, self-motivated, and self-directed. Learn the goals and passions of your employees and allow them to find the best positions in your organization to maximize their talent.
  • The right position may not be in house. If an employee isn’t a good fit for your company, help them find opportunities elsewhere. Avoid moving people to another area within the company in an attempt to find a fit where one doesn’t exist. Promoting an employee to find a “better fit” only exacerbates existing incompatibilities and should never occur.
  • Don’t try to change people. In their book, First, Break All The Rules, authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman suggest, “People don’t change that much. Don’t waste time trying to put in what was left out. Try to draw out what was left in. You will find that is hard enough.”
  • Make the most of each person’s talents.  Everyone has a unique set of talents, patterns of behavior, passions, and yearnings. Every salesperson has a distinct source of motivation and style of persuasion. A good manager’s job is to make the most of these talents, person by person. Acknowledge weaknesses but don’t try to change them. Focus on maximizing strengths, especially with your best performers. 

Maximizing Talent Maximizes Success

Lastly, as managers, we are successful when those we are in charge of can make the most of their talents. Maximizing talents maximizes success.

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