One of AI’s greatest advantages is its ability to significantly reduce the time required for routine processes. By automating tasks such as order processing, data entry, workforce scheduling, and forecasting, AI enhances efficiency and accuracy. Identify areas with repetitive tasks and high labor demands, and let AI streamline these processes to boost productivity and reduce operational costs.

Also, I recently attended a Distribution Strategy Group (DSG) webcast on “The Role of AI in Digital Transformation”. In the webcast, panelists Alex Witcpalek, CEO of, and Jared Helenic, Senior Account Manager at Infor, reviewed the three most commonly used applications for AI today.

Three common uses of AI

  1. Automation of routine tasks – One of AI’s greatest advantages is its ability to reduce the time it takes to complete routine processes. However, tasks such as order processing, data entry, workforce scheduling, and forecasting can be automated with AI. Look for areas that are routine and have high labor demand. Let AI take over these processes. 
  1. Customer engagement – Intelligent chatbots can handle customer order processes. Powered by AI, can provide information on when an order is picked up, on a delivery truck, or at your dock. This type of AI improves customer engagement and can replicate many of the functions of a tenured account rep. Also, intelligent chatbots can handle traditional rep responsibilities like quotes, proposals, recommending the right part, and pricing.  
  1. Product offering expansion – The use of AI is critical to expanding the scope of product information management. Independent distributors must incorporate omnichannel product sourcing to remain relevant with existing alternative internet channels. Lastly, by enabling you to expand your product offerings, AI allows you to provide a consistent brand experience. Customer can do one-stop shopping at your expanded site.

A catalyst

AI is the catalyst and is rapidly emerging a disruptive force changing the way businesses are executed. Ask yourself how you want AI to help you maintain a competitive edge. Use AI to automate routine functions, improve customer engagement, and expand product offerings. In conclusion, these three common AI applications lead to success in today’s business environment.

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